Friday, June 22, 2012

Shoulders/Chest workout!


This is my workout from this morning! Shoulders and chest done with my first "test client" Elena-a dear friend of mine! She is letting me experiment with her in exchange for a pretty awesome day at Jimmy Buffet next week! That's our reward for being so awesome. BGTB-Be Good Till Buffet! Ha that's our motivation to be good, do work and get results. We are not thinking months ahead or even weeks-just a week and a half of goal setting and getting it done (we started this past Monday). Then, after Buffet we will set new goals and keep going.....

Speaking of which, I have been laid off for 2 weeks now and I can honestly say that I have been to the gym, ran or both 10 out of those 14 days. I see and feel results. With extra time I have been able to concentrate more on my body and it is showing. So 2 weeks of dedication and commitment equals one happy girl! I have been more productive and motivated in these past 2 weeks than ever in my entire life. That is how you get results by being excited and committed to the cause-whatever that may be. Enthusiasm goes a long way!!!

You can see from my BodyMinder what exercises we did and also what I ate and drank so far today. Don't forget to get some protein immediately following your workout! Your muscles are craving it-don't upset them! Hmmmm....Its almost time for lunch as I write this-I'm excited!

You have the plan now go kill some shoulders!


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