Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Jambalaya Recipe


I started with this recipe I found from Emeril when I got the notion that I wanted to make a jambalaya:

Then I saw that I had on hand already "baby salad size frozen shrimp" and "spicy chicken sausage" so I bought the chicken and went from there....Protein is most important to me so that is what I tend to focus on the most and then let the rest fall into place.

Step 1: cube about 1/2 lb. chicken breast and cook on med  heat with the following seasonings:1 teaspoon each paprika, oregano, blk pepper, crushed red pepper, garlic powder and dash of cinnamon (place together in a small bowl and stir as you will need half of the mixture for the shrimp/sausage in a min)  for about 10 to 12 min using a teaspoon of olive oil to coat the pan prior.

Step 2: cook the shrimp and sausage (use about 1/2 lb combined of both) with the same seasoning mixture you used on the chicken (you should have about half left over) on med heat for about 6 to 8 min.

 Step 3: chop 1/2 c each spanish onion, green onion, green pepper and sautéed those in a deep skillet on low to med for about 8 min with a little bit of olive oil.

Step 4: chop 3/4 c tomatoes and 1/4 c fresh parsley and add to the veg mix, stirring for another 4 min.

Step 5: add all protein to veggies in deep skillet along with 2 cups rice (brown or jasmine) and approx 3 cups hot water. Bring to a boil and then cover and simmer on low for about 15 min until the rice is cooked-but has not soaked up the need and want some liquid when all said and done! Feel free to add hot sauce to kick it up a notch here...mine was only med spice temp.

I took his recipe and tried to make it budget (I didn't use all of the Emeril suggested ingredients) and a little more health friendly!

Try this with all can see from his picture in the recipe and my picture they don't look the same but it still tasted incredible!!!



Sunday, August 19, 2012

Meals made EASY all week!

In this post I want to try to show you how easy and quick it can be to eat healthy.....

On Tuesday I chopped my veggies-tomatoes, zucchini, red onion and green onion-about 2.5 cups total

I cooked 1 package of chicken and cubed it so I can easily throw it in a pita pocket, salad or mix it with some rice or quinoa.

I boiled 2 eggs so I had them ready for when I wanted to add them too!
I had on hand already brown rice, quinoa, tuna, feta and mozzarella cheeses and lettuce.

If you take a little time 1 or 2 days a week to prepare your meals or part of your meals you will be more inclined to throw together something healthy quickly rather than stopping and grabbing something quick-that rarely ends well!! Try it this week and see if it works for you!! 

This is what I ate all week for lunch and dinner. I spent maybe 5 min at the most putting it together and making a little homemade dressing each time if I wanted to add it. Below are pictures so you can see how I basically ate the same thing over and over again BUT I never got bored with it.....

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

No Excuses.

What are you waiting for?  Why not make your health your #1 priority right now? What  could possibly be more important than living a well-balanced, active,  fit, highly productive, healthy, long and lovely life?

What are you afraid of? Why haven't you started yet? Take time to actually think about what is holding you back. You need to deal with what that is, face it and NEVER look back. There is no such thing as tomorrow. You have now and you have the past...when will you start? Let's start now!!! Right now! Start to make changes, small ones, and stop bad habits one at a time. Big changes come when tons of little changes add up!!!! Break it down one day at a time, one meal at a time, one workout at a time.

You are worth it-despite what ANYONE has ever told you or how they made you feel. You don't have to be a skinny twig and you don't have to weigh a particular number BUT I believe you should be doing everything in your power-which is pretty much everything-to live a long and healthy life for yourself and for those that love you.  All you have to do before you run one mile on a treadmill or pick up one weight is commit to yourself that you are going to change your body inside and out. Say to yourself everyday that you will not stop until you reach your goal. Once you reach your goal you will set new goals and you will constantly strive to make sure you will be around for many years and be the best version of you that you can be!

You may be "happy" at your current weight or with what you are eating and drinking BUT I know for sure that your body isn't happy and it isn't functioning as well as it could be. It needs to function at its peak potential and it needs good clean nourishment every single day to do so.

You have to start somewhere, at some point,  sometime. Now is that time! Now, Now and are not alone and you will have support if you ask for it. Share your goals with your friends and family. Everyone needs a support system to achieve their goals-no matter what they are. We need one another, show love and offer help whenever you can. Happy people=A Happy world.

NO EXCUSE is good enough.....NO EXCUSE at all.....


Monday, August 6, 2012


Pizza.....Salad......tons of opportunities to get your color on with food!!! Mix fruits and veggies in salads (tomatoes and strawberries pictured here below).....pile on the veggies when making pizza. Color=Nutrients...which reaps great rewards on your body and mind. Treat your body after a great workout with color, after a long day, a long week with colorful food. You will feel better, you will live longer, you will be more mobile, you will be happier, you will be light and airy maybe even bouncy! I love when I feel bouncy!!! Food is fun and good food is essential to our health....make it fun, make it colorful!!! xoxoxo-A

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Quinoa Steak Salad-My way and Max's way

Quinoa Steak Salad-My way and Max's way

My way-so you can see about how big of a portion each takes up on my plate, mine was dressed with a homemade wasabi, rosemary, lemon, red wine vinegar and olive oil dressing. Max's way-chopped up into bite sizes and mixed all around so the quinoa sticks to each bite. His was dressed with just a little olive oil and red wine vinegar. We were both feeling very happy and balanced after this meal!!! Give it a try!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Spicy shrimp/brown rice with mango and red pepper



1 small chopped red pepper

1/2 large mango cubed

3 small jalapeno peppers chopped

1/4 cup sliced red onion

***health benefits of red onions:good source of vitamin B, fiber, potassium, and great source of vitamin C....low in fat, cholesterol and sodium*** be sure to only peel the first "papery" layer off as the nutrients are found more close to the outer edges rather than the inside***

1 1/2 cup "mini salad shrimp"

Fresh chives and basil chopped into 1 cup brown rice

Splash the shrimp, peppers and mango mixture with 2 tbsp lemon juice, 1 tbsp olive oil and pinch of honey-cook on med to high heat in skillet  for 10 min adding in the rice for the an additional 3 to 5 to finish it all off. (add additional seasonings as you wish)

Serves 2 to 3

Spicy, delicious, quick, easy and super good for you!!!