Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Spicy shrimp/brown rice with mango and red pepper



1 small chopped red pepper

1/2 large mango cubed

3 small jalapeno peppers chopped

1/4 cup sliced red onion

***health benefits of red onions:good source of vitamin B, fiber, potassium, and great source of vitamin C....low in fat, cholesterol and sodium*** be sure to only peel the first "papery" layer off as the nutrients are found more close to the outer edges rather than the inside***

1 1/2 cup "mini salad shrimp"

Fresh chives and basil chopped into 1 cup brown rice

Splash the shrimp, peppers and mango mixture with 2 tbsp lemon juice, 1 tbsp olive oil and pinch of honey-cook on med to high heat in skillet  for 10 min adding in the rice for the an additional 3 to 5 to finish it all off. (add additional seasonings as you wish)

Serves 2 to 3

Spicy, delicious, quick, easy and super good for you!!!

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