Monday, April 1, 2013

Beautiful Not Easy

Yes, I am a personal trainer and yes I work out a lot but the truth is.....none of this is any easier for me than it is for you!!! Running and training for a half marathon is hard. Eating clean is hard. Saying no to going out and going to the gym instead is hard too. Limiting your alcohol and sugar intake, guess what, also HARD!

Even with being a more active person than you may be right now does not mean that any of this comes any easier to me but my advantage is knowing how great the reward is when I am done and when I make good choices!! It will get less hard mentally when you show yourself that you too can eat right and exercise over and over again. It is about forming new habits, changing old ones, doing things that truly make you feel and look good inside and out. It is all worth it.

When I run it is a challenge each and every time-long runs and short-they are all semi torturous to me. It is something that I am not used to doing so I have to work at it. I have to breath right, dress right, eat right, drink right, sleep right...all the stars must align for me to kill a run but when I do there is almost no better feeling than knowing you prepared properly and then hitting a home run! What ever it is that you are doing in your life-maybe it is with your school work or your "work" work, all the same principals apply!  No matter where you are at you must push through and you must keep going. I have come to really understand that a balanced person is a happy person. Set goals and show yourself that you can reach them, break them even. Then break them again! You will be amazed with you-every awesome inch!!

This past weekend I was on an 8 mile run through the city and during that run I passed two spots that greatly used to bother me. I ran past two different fields where my husband (at the time) and his girlfriend (at the same time) played in an adult kickball league. I ran past with such satisfaction and happiness as if it never happened and I counted my lucky stars that I am who I am now and have in my life who I have now. If you are struggling with your past in anyway do something else to overcome it. The answer is not revenge or anger.There is nothing you can do to change it but you can change you for the absolute better-even better than you were then, because you were. That is the goal here, keep getting better every single day. This again can apply to anything in your life not just fitness but in my opinion being fit is where it all starts. It is a confidence booster and a way to reflect on the journey your life has taken you on so far.  The journey I am on...... building my muscles which in turn is building my self- esteem/worth and love for life-because it is beautiful but it sure isn't EASY.


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