Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Smoothies: Lifestyle Basics 101

Why do I love smoothies so much? Let me explain:

  1. I get to be creative!

  2. I get to have a complete , fast and healthy breakfast! The most IMPORTANT meal of the day!

  3. I get to drink green things like spinach, kale, parsley and avocados!

I try to include all of the necessary ingredients of a balanced meal in the blender each morning! Made up of mostly carbs which is what I want to start my day anyway! Oats or oat bran and fruit-are the main ingredients with a splash of protein in the form of almond milk and or Greek yogurt, chia and flax seeds for good fats and a punch of fiber and lastly something green-spinach or kale most likely. Sometimes I add protein powder or peanut butter or even pumpkin or coffee! It all depends on what I have on hand and how magical I can make the combo for that morning!

I hope you enjoy them and get as much energy out of them as I do! These will jump-start your day, I promise!

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