Saturday, September 29, 2012

Kettlebell and dumbbell workout-my favorite!!!

I do this routine a lot with my clients and I do it myself! Very effective and really targets your entire body!!!

3 sets of 15 Kettlebell squat swings-either rows, straight ahead or side to side

2 sets of "Lawnmowers" kettlebell lunges on each side

Plank side pushups-3 sets of 10 to 12

3 sets of 15 on each leg- kickbacks

Shoulder circuit-front, flys, rows and shrugs-3 sets of 12 of each

3 sets of 20 "mountain climbers"

Triceps circuit-extensions, kickbacks and dips on chair or bench-3 sets of 12 of each

Bicep circuit-curls, hammers, overhead curls-3 sets of 12 on each

***All circuits are done with dumbbells all 3 or 4 moves are 12 reps in a row of each then you rest. Use lighter weights because you are doing so many reps at once. Rest for 1 to 2 min between each set-no rest between each move.

Do it then let me know how great you feel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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