Monday, November 5, 2012

@ home "craft sticks" workout!

I made these for my mother/daughter duo clients this evening! My friend saw this idea on Pinterest and passed it on to me! This was so much fun for me to get to do for them! I made them 16 different exercises and they can pick and choose how they want to tackle them. One set of colors at a time or pick 1 from each color, etc. It allows them to mix it up and not get bored. When they are "done" their stick goes into their "done" cup on display for all to see. Part of getting in shape and staying that way is feeling proud of yourself *** as you should!! I want them to be competitive with eachother-which no problem there, they always are with me-but having their own "done" cups will help at home!! These are great to do if you have little kids at home! They will like to pull the sticks for you and put them in the cup when you are done! Remember, lead by example for those kiddos are looking up to and learning from you!

It is so important to realize that changes to your body can and will occur if you make staying fit part of your lifestyle. Put your mind to it and don't stop.  You will begin to love how you feel!!! Make it FUN!

It is something that you have to keep working at daily, weekly, monthly..... yearly. It is a never-ending maintenance program that you sign yourself up for so make it fun!

I did this one with no weights or accessories, etc. needed but you can make them work for you and where you are at in your fitness journey with free weights, bands, etc.



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