Monday, October 22, 2012

Mango + Banana + Chocolate + Coffee smoothie!

[caption id="attachment_444" align="aligncenter" width="150"] Mango-banana-coffee-chocolate protein powder-flax, chia, oats and almond milk.[/caption]

1/2 c chopped fresh mango

1 med banana

1 c unsweetened almond milk

1 packet instant coffee-I use Starbucks

1 tsp chia seeds

2 tsp flaxseeds

3 tsp oats

3 ice cubes

1 scoop AMP Wheyabolic Extreme 60 protein powder-from GNC-this is the kind I use (chocolate)

This is a complete and balanced breakfast 20 + grams of Protein, good carbs, lots of fiber, packed with good fats, omega 3 and 6 from the chia seeds, vitamin C and vitamin B from the banana and vitamin A and C from the mangos plus vitamin D and E from the almond milk, also great source of calcium!!!

What if you started every morning this way? I bet your body would thank you all day!!!


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