Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Healthy Heart 52 min cardio circuit workout

Do you have 52 min a day at least one or two days a week to devote to making your heart healthy? I know you know that eating right is going to help keep your heart healthy but what about your cardio workouts? I did this fun circuit this morning that totaled 52 min of moving and I burned 480 calories!  I get bored so easily so this kept me bouncing around from machine to machine and I burned on average 120 calories on each machine! I worked up an awesome sweat and felt great afterwards!!!

Here is what I did:

Stretch out hams, quads and calves for a few min

Warm up 5 min on treadmill then 10 min jogging at a good speed

Break and clean off treadmill which will keep you moving for 60 seconds

15 min on the cross trainer at a mid cross ramp and resistance setting

Break again but keep moving and clean machine

Hop on the elliptical and go hard for 12 min using the arms the entire time too

Break one more time, clean machine and keep moving for 60 seconds

Lastly get to work on the stepmill for 8 min then slow down/cool down for the last 2 min

Stretch and cool down

Done!!! Your heart will thank you!!!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Healthy balanced meal-smashed black beans topping roasted sweet potatoes with asparagus, mushrooms and chicken

3 oz chicken, handful of mushrooms, steamed asparagus made only with lemon juice and balsamic vinegar, roasted sweet potatoes brushed with olive oil, cinnamon and black pepper then topped with smashed black beans.

Let me tell you some of the awesome health benefits of this meal! Not only does it include roughly 1 part good fat, 3 parts carbs and 2 parts protein but it is packed with  vitamin D, high in fiber, vitamin A and C-these antioxidants also work as anti-inflammatories, and can reduce the symptoms of arthritis and asthma. Sweet potatoes are also a good source of copper, manganese, potassium, iron and vitamin B6. They also contain thiamin, riboflavin and niacin. I cannot say enough awesome things about sweet potatoes!!! The black beans are packed with vitamins,  minerals, fiber and omega 3 and 6 fatty acids! Then there is the asparagus-deliciously made with only lemon juice and balsamic vinegar. Asparagus has hardly any calories, no fat, no cholesterol and no sodium....it may make your pee smell but the folate-good for heart health, the fiber and the inulin-good for digestive health is well worth the trade off!!! This meal makes me smile big! It tastes so good and is so ridiculously good for you!




Sunday, July 22, 2012

Pain, loss and anger: how to deal and not let it get the best of you.

I have a broken heart. I have an enormous amount of pain, loss and anger that I carry with me everyday for the past 3+ years. There is no pain that I have felt greater than watching my husband date another girl while I was pregnant with our son. Wait, there was way worse pain when I actually moved out and started "sharing" my 6 month old son with his dad. I lost my son, I lost 1/2 of a child that I carried for 9 months in my belly. I now and will forever deal with that loss. I know Max is right here and I can hug and kiss him every other weekend and on Wed and Thurs evenings but it is not what I envisioned growing up thinking of one day when I would have a family and a baby, a baby to hold and kiss and love every single day. I keep thinking to myself now that maybe the reason it is so painful sometimes is all of those years of anticipating wanting to be a mom then actually being a mom to then have it ripped away is what I lost. I get so angry sometimes but what can I do with that anger and pain? How can I positively put that to good use? I can workout to release some of the stress and anger I feel (and believe me I do and that is what has saved me)....I  can look at the glass half full instead of half empty. But the reality is the glass is half empty. I know that no good can come from dwelling on what I thought it would be like when I got married and had a baby. That isn't what happened. I try so hard every second of every day to not let the anger, pain and loss get the best of me. I love Max that much more. I give him 55 kisses at night instead of 25 and 42 hugs instead of 12. He is getting mommy love overload. I have no control over this situation. What's done is done and the reality is I have a son who is the best thing my world could have ever asked for and I have him half of the time. He comes and he goes. He asks who is picking me up today and whose house are my belongings at? Mommy's house or daddy's house? Breaks my heart, as if he doesn't have a house....one place to call his own. The pain does not stop ever. Then more decisions, more pain, more questions on what should I do so that I don't further cause more pain in either my life or his. How do I make sure he is OK when he isn't with me? As his mom how do I just drop him off and let it all go until next time? What is right and what is wrong? I believe what is right for Max is to have a very unselfish mom and to always put him first. I hope in the end this will be what he learns from me: to love and respect people and be very unselfish, to care what he does to others, to make a commitment and stand by it, be able to look at any situation half full and make the best of every moment. I really hope that all of the anger, loss and pain that has settled in my heart will somehow be put to good use and reflected only by light onto him. I know everything happens for a reason and we are who we are because of our experiences but this is a really painful one and one that I know has made me a better person. I think the reason I am thinking about this so much now is that we are about to move out and start a new wonderful chapter in our lives. Out, finally out  from this place that we have lived in for the past 3 years-the place we moved to after all of that drama and trauma. Although the feeling of loss will always be with me I will not let it stop me from being awesome. I will also not pretend though as if it doesn't exist and as if it doesn't affect me. It is ok to let it out sometimes. It is ok to talk about pain, anger and loss because they are real and they are part of you....part of you but not the best of you.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Simple 6: Example meal plan of what you could be eating to live a healthy lifestyle

Simple 6 Healthy Meal Plan example:

one: plain oatmeal w/ cinnamon, egg white omelette w veggies w/ plain wheat toast or Smoothie

two: 1 c Greek Plain Yogurt w/ fresh berries & 1/4 c granola

three: grilled chicken breast, small sweet potato or brown rice, green vegetable

four: handful of almonds or apple or pear

five: grilled steak or fish, big green salad, olive oil dressing

six: plain rice cake or celery with tsp. peanut butter

This is a simple meal plan example in case you are not eating at all, not eating enough times per day, only eating junk or have no idea what to eat or where to start to live a healthy lifestyle....

Now go.....eat.....be healthy! (And don't forget to exercise!!!)


Sunday, July 15, 2012

Mind over matter

Feeling super inspired after a great reminder (at least what I took from it) in church today that God gave us our physical bodies to honor, respect them, treat them right, celebrate them, discipline them, train them and love them. I am reminded that as an official personal trainer now my biggest obstacle will be gaining the committment from my clients to make the change, to accept the resistance of what they want now for a greater, bigger future reward. I cannot make them want deep down to change their eating habits or to want to exercise. They will have to decide that for themselves and once they do-watch out because there will be no stopping them from that point forward! It is all connected, the value of knowing that you are loved by God unconditionally, but that to worship and honor him you will know and you will choose to value your life, your health, your well-being. You will want what he wants for you, what he intended all along for you. Eating right, exercising and resting gets you 3 steps closer to what was always intended for you. Our health effects everything that we do, our behavior, our attitudes and how we co-exist with one another. The biggest step is to first come to this realization and the rest-no pun intended-will be cake! Speaking of cake, I had some last night at a party, and I did not feel one bit of regret. Why not? Because like I have said before you should always allow yourself to celebrate, to "cheat", to enjoy what you like in moderation. Daily you are resisting and disciplining yourself and that is why it is so much better when you get to have your cake and eat it too! For me, my cake is the daily discipline and resistance that I show which allows me to feel how I feel and do what I do. I hope you can relate to this because it is the key to making the change, to building your self-esteem, your muscles and your love for this precious life God has given you.

Now go...resist, train and then celebrate!Image


Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Some tips & tricks to getting your fit on









I know, I know....you "don't like water"....you "don't like salad, you don't like veggies, you can't run, you don't have time, it cost too much to eat healthy"....if I had a dollar for every time I heard something like this, I would be rich or at least be able to buy a real Louis Vuitton bag!!!

Tip #1: Stop with the excuses! They will get you nowhere fast!

Tip #2: Yes you can! You really can! I promise! Don't say I can't and do not say I Don't....only speak the words I can and I do and my favorite I did.

Tip#3: Drink water all day, everyday by adding fruit to it. I do this almost daily by filling up my DD Iced coffee cup that I usually get in the morning with water and fruit, whatever I have on hand.  I drink at least 3 of these 32 oz size cups on top of the iced coffee that I already had out of the same cup that morning. Drinking water is like a daily cleanse for yourself....it gives you clearer skin, it flushes all of the bad out of your system and your body literally needs it to survive! I do not drink enough water throughout the day without this cup, not joking, it's like my security blanket.

Tip #4: Get a fitness buddy-they will help encourage you and keep you motivated while having fun with a friend!

Tip#5: Buy the same things over and over at the store. Pick your daily foods that are healthy and stick with them. This is what you eat now....there is no thinking, "hmmm what am I going to eat?". You already know and you know its good for you. They will become your staples and then spice them up from time to time with different fruits, veggies, spices and herbs. For me this is usually chicken, ground turkey,  sweet potatoes or yams, rice cakes, peanut butter, almonds, Greek yogurt, granola, oatmeal, brown rice, milk, cheese, lettuce, fruits and veggies. I save so much time at the store and at home!

Tip #6: Be "that guy" when ordering at a restaurant. Feel free to ask for things the way you want them and should be eating them-steamed, grilled, no sauce, no cheese, etc. They might find you annoying but smile big and thank them so much...its worth getting a strange look or a roll of the eyes over putting empty junk in your body just because that is the way it is listed on the menu.

I hope these help you! I know they help me!


Sunday, July 8, 2012

Love this workout-@ home or at the gym!


Start out with 5 min warm up on cardio machine or run outside and stretch out for a few min.....

 20 on each leg:

  1. Pilates leg lifts

  2. Back kick plank-this incorporates your abs also

  3. Side hip lifts (fire hydrants)

Repeat 1., 2. and 3.

3 sets of 20:

  1. Bridge lifts (pelvic thrusts)

  2. Oblique twist on mat with ball or dumbbell weight

  3. Sumo squat swings into triceps extensions with dumbbell weight, ball or kettlebell

20 min on cardio machine or run outside

Stretch 5 min

When doing all of these exercises it is so important to make very deliberate, slow and controlled movements. It is not a race. Make each one count. Squeeze the muscle you are focused on and feel the progress as it's happening. Visualize your body changing form and concentrate only on the task at hand for that moment.

DONE and DONE! Should take just about an hour or just under!

Strawberry, peach, cranberry, banana smoothie

Strawberry, peach, cranberry, banana smoothie w/ 1 tsp peanut butter, 3 tsp plain natural non-fat yogurt, 1 tsp ea. chia seeds, flaxseed meal, glutamine, 3 tsp oat bran and almond milk! Out of control delicious!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Blueberry, banana, apple & spinach smoothie-Great start to the day!

Spinach, blueberries, granny smith apple, banana, glutamine, peanut butter, almond milk, flaxseed meal and oat bran..........Great start!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Cole slaw with a healthy-spicy kick!

Wasabi mustard inspired healthy cole slaw for today's 4th of July picnic! Inspired by a show on the Food Network, a recipe I found online and the wasabi mustard I discovered in the store yesterday. This is what my imagination came up with:

Packaged cole slaw mix (Dole) approx 1 and 3/4 packages

Chopped 1 yellow pepper,1  orange pepper, 1/4 c red onion, 2 banana peppers

Salt, pepper and red pepperflakes to taste

Crushed peanuts 1/4 c

Dressing: (mix all together then fold into the cole slaw mixture)

Plain non fat all natural yogurt-about 1 and 1/4 cup

Wasabi mustard 1/4 c

Grey Poupon Dijon mustard 1/4 c

Tbsp honey

Red wine vinegar 1/4 c

I plan on topping a bun less burger with this and hope all of my family enjoys it today! Yummy and healthy is always the best way to go!

Happy 4th of July!


Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Monday, July 2, 2012

Sweet potato skillet w/ chicken, spinach, goat cheese and pinenuts

Chicken, sweet potatoes, pine nuts, goat cheese and spinach, 2 tsp olive oil and pinch of black pepper and cinnamon. The reason I like this so much is I feel like I am eating something  rich, creamy and indulgent but I'm not. It's all clean and its all healthy! I just let it get all melty!!!

I eye -balled most of the measurements so I don't really have those for you but approx 10 oz cubed chicken, 2 handfuls spinach leaves, tbsp pine nuts, 2 oz goat cheese and 1/2 large sweet potato (no skin). Just throw it all in with the olive oil coating the skillet and season at the end. Takes approx 10 min until it's perfectly cooked and melty on med heat. Makes 2 delicious and healthy servings.

This one is spinach, chicken, black beans, sweet potatoes and  feta...if you haven't had black beans and sweet potatoes together I strongly urge you to expand your normal and try it!!!


Is it ok for kids to "workout"?.....Yep!

Ok, don't freak out....I don't make Max lift weights but on this night before we went up to bed he grabbed mine (5 lbs each) and said "wait mommy I want to get big and strong first!" Of course I thought this was the best thing in the world because I want him to understand that lifting weights or running, whatever the movement is, that it is and should be normal and not the exception. I want him from this young age to enjoy physical activity and to talk about the nutritional benefits of what food he is eating. He is able to name different sources of proteins on the spot when asked, knows the difference between a "good carb and a bad carb" and has for some time now. I know, I'm too extreme right?  I don't think so. Habits form now so now is the time to be extreme if that is what you want to call it. Check out some of exercises' benefits and risk factors that I found while doing research for my personal training exam and decide for yourself!

Some benefits that I was not fully aware of that I found included improved brain function and memory along with a stronger immune system. Also, I believe most importantly, the building of confidence and self-esteem along with helping to ensure they maintain a healthy weight. Just one hour per day can achieve all of this. It even helps with depression and anxiety because exercise naturally makes you happy!

Some risks that I found were not many but one I focused on was the risk of “over doing it”. If you take a child that has been sedentary for quite some time and thrust them into vigorous physical activity the greater the chance of them getting injured will be. If weight/strength training then I would say that the risks will be lower if the strength training is supervised and focuses on slowly gaining muscle and flexibility. Weights can be started at age 7 or 8 as long as the child is able to follow the plan and directions that have been outlined to reduce the risk of injury. I would say it is definitely safe and effective best when taken lightly with more reps as the goal. A risk to exercise is always injury, I suppose, and in children you risk maybe stunting their growth if certain bones become broken. So its best to start out by playing, running, doing pull ups in the park or climbing, etc. Slowly build up the muscles, strength and flexibility to reduce the risk. Children should also be taught to stretch properly and warm up/ cool down to avoid injury. In conclusion there are great benefits to children exercising and the risks can be minimized with proper measures and guidelines.

Encourage your kids to workout or "kill it" as a family together! DFTBA!