Friday, June 29, 2012

Be A GREAT Role Model-even when you think no one is watching!

The best thing happened yesterday morning when I dropped Max off at school! Bella-his "girlfriend" saw me in my usual gym attire and asked me..... "do you go to the gym everyday?" This is great on so many levels!!! It reminded me that kids notice EVERYTHING and that we are influencing them ALL OF THE TIME! So yes I told Bella I go every single day that I can with a big smile! Who knows, I may be one of the people that she remembers from being 6 years old, seeing that smile on my face and knew it was because I was going to the gym! I hope so! I was proud of myself for setting a good example for Max and his school friends!

I have memories from when I was younger, around 12, of my Godmother, Judi, going to the Y and doing aerobics. I started to go too and remembered having so much fun! This I know for sure is my first fitness memory. That is always something I noticed and remembered about her, she LOVED the Y and still does! What a great role model for me and her 5 daughters! This is when it starts when we are little, we are shaped by our families until we grow up and get our own ideas. So, my point is think about what you are doing and who might be watching. You are shaping young minds everywhere you go and with everything that you do!   Good habits NEED to be formed at a young age! Little ones deserve to be set up for success. They don't deserve to have to try to back pedal when they get older to rid themselves of bad habits that never needed to be formed in the first least that is what I think.

Mommys and daddys I know you are busy but I guarantee if you tag each other out 3 times a week for an hour each to make it to the gym you will be happier and less stressed! Exercise reduces stress and releases endorphins so give each other the gift of happiness a few times a week-an hour alone with no kids at the gym all to yourself!  Your kids (and other people's kids) will notice and they will thank you for the new you, the new awesome you!  Be a GREAT ROLE MODEL & DFTBA!


Wednesday, June 27, 2012

"Bring a covered dish"


Max and I are going to Family Night at our church this evening. They provide the meat you bring a "covered dish". Guess what-mine is going to be healthy and since I am on a budget I used what I had on hand to make a healthy pasta salad that all should enjoy. I put a label on the bowl so everyone would know what they are diving into. There is no pepperoni, no Italian dressing, not sharp cheddar cheese and definitely no white pasta. Make small changes and eventually you will see and feel the change!  I even put a warning on the bottom that says: "HEALTHY"


Sharing health is one of my favorite things to do! If people try it they may just like it and that makes me happy! Every little bit helps.

This contains whole grain elbow pasta, tomatoes, red onion, pine nuts, crumbled blue cheese, olive oil and red wine vinegar, chia, flax, (yes, I even snuck them in there too!) blk pepper and basil. That's it. Much healthier version than grandmas unless grandma is a health nut like me!

Smoothie Popsicles!


1 c mixed berries

1 c almond milk

1/2 c Greek plain yogurt

2 tbsp natural peanut butter

1/2 banana

1/2 c water

1 tbsp each chia and flax seeds


Tuesday, June 26, 2012

No, I'm not on crack but I am on flax!


Ok, let's talk depression and let's be very honest and real about it. I have never been diagnosed with it but I am almost positive that I was for most of my 20's if not some of my teens and 20's. At one point in my marriage I was told to basically shape up, figure it out or get shipped out, in so many words. Well, we know how that story ended. (I got shipped) So, my point in sharing this is not to blame my ex-husband for not understanding that I most likely needed help (or at least some spinach smoothies with flaxseed) but to get others to understand that there are things you can do when you are faced with non-supportive "shape up or ship out" situations. I am pretty sure that from 2007 to 2010 I had prepartum (no I'm not sure if that is a real thing), partum (this either) and postpartum depression (ha) wasn't that I was miserable...its just that I wasn't me, I wasn't the "happy and alive" that I am now. Now, people ask me believe it or not, "why and how are you so happy?" Seems silly right as we should all be striving to be this happy! We should be asking "why are you so miserable and what can I do to help?" Misery really does love company and I will not stand for it or be part of it. I believe in love, helping others and happiness.  I surround myself with others that believe in the same. Surrounding yourself with those that believe in you and your dreams is so important for your happiness! I can literally run people over with my happiness now and its awesome! I want you to feel that way too!

So crack or flax? Its flax......did you know that flax is a natural aid in helping to reverse depression? Read below:

"Flax fights “The Blues” It’s that tired feeling that a good night's rest won’t shake… that listless down in the dumps feeling that you just can’t get rid of. We call it “the blues”, otherwise known as atypical depression, the most common form of depression. Preliminary research suggests that eating a diet rich in flax could slash your risk of ever feeling “down in the dumps”. Follow up studies show that just 2-3 tablespoons of flax daily can help up to 2/3rds of severely depressed women bounce back within eight weeks. Flax, says Udo Erasmus, PhD, has a mood boosting ingredient: docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) that is essential for the proper function of brain cells, yet up to 85% of women aren’t getting enough of it. Early research conducted by Dr. Martha Clare Morris of Chicago’s Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke’s Medical Center notes that a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids is believed to be important for brain development. She stated that some participants in the study saw a decreased risk of Alzheimer’s from eating a diet high in Omega-3 fatty acids(Flax is the richest source of Omega 3’s in the plant kingdom). More research is needed in the area of flax and its relation to depression and brain function, however preliminary research is very promising."

When I started adding flaxseed to my smoothies I was only doing it because I thought maybe I should be "going potty" (as my 3 yr old would say) more. Sorry if that is TMI but its true. It turns out that a little dose of flax in the am was actually setting a happy tone to each of my days, along with many other benefits! I am pretty sure I am addicted to it now because of that. How great is it to be addicted to things that make you feel great and are so good for you, like exercise and eating right! I know some of you have addictions to junk food, to alcohol, cigarettes etc......Why not try eliminating one bad habit this week and try replacing it with a good habit until all of your habits are good and you kicked the bad ones all to the curb. That is how you achieve a healthy lifestyle by forming all the right habits. Then it becomes second nature and no longer seems like a chore or a burden.

I hope this info about flax has helped some or one of you as that is my intention in sharing my stories with you.

Other supplements that I feel help keep me happy are:

  • Vitamin D

  • DHA

  • Caffeine- also a natural fat burner (Bonus!) and yes, some caffeine per day is completely fine!!!

Don't forget to be awesome friends!!!


Monday, June 25, 2012

Karate chopping intimidation at the gym!


So I have been hearing from some friends that "they don't belong at a gym"....they are "intimidated by the other people there that are in better shape than them" ....(insert any other excuse, I mean reason, here) etc. Well let me tell you a secret,  I was once a scared little puppy just like some of you and I want to help karate chop that intimidation for you right now. I am clumsy. I am not coordinated. I had no idea what I was doing 2 years ago when I first started. I wanted to keep to myself and I didn't want help. I didn't feel like I fit in there either. Now, 2 years later I could care less about who is there, what they look like, what they are wearing or what they are doing. I am there for me and for my development. I am in the zone from start to finish. I observe what others are doing so that I can try new things and see whats going on in the world of fitness but I am there with my goals to accomplish and that is that. Remember, "those people" were not born physically fit perfect specimens. They also stepped into the gym for the first time one day and needed to lose weight or get ripped, toned and killed just like you. If you dare enter the gym you will be surrounded by people with like goals which is so important in staying motivated when trying to transition yourself to a healthy lifestyle. The gym is my happy place. Exercise releases endorphins. Think about it, you are going to one of the most happy places on earth, there are endorphins flying around everywhere! Laugh at the gym. It's a FUN place to be! Above all else, please don't be afraid to go to the gym, to try running in the park, to try a spinning class..... to do anything. Life is too short to be scared of anything.

Be bold, be brave, be yourself.

Now go...karate chop your fears. You are awesome!


Sunday, June 24, 2012

Treat yourself with good ingredients! Blueberry Pancakes

I love pancakes and just because I love to live a healthy lifestyle does not mean that I can't have them! Choose your ingredients wisely and you can enjoy all your favorites in a more healthy way! Treat yourself by treating yourself right.

I use this pancake mix pictured  because it is made of whole grains, whole wheat and is also low in sugar. Look at the nutritional facts of what you are buying. Is it made of artificial colors or flavors and preservatives? Put it down if it is and choose more wisely. I added Greek yogurt, fresh blueberries and water to the mix. That is it. Max and I enjoyed these this morning with a little dab or two of syrup! Delicious and I feel like we "treated" ourselves to a healthier version of one of our favorite breakfast foods!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

20 min @ home workout-Jumpstart your day!

I always feel so much better when I exercise vs. when I don't, even if it is just for 20 min! Try this quick all-0ver body jumpstart to the day!

  • Kickbacks 3 sets of 15 on each leg ending with 10 holding kicks at each set (total 25 for each set on each leg)

  • 50 pelvic thrusts

  • 25 push ups on the ball

  • 3 sets of 20 biceps curls with a resistance band

  • 3 sets of 20 triceps kickbacks with light free weight

Rest in between each set for 30 seconds and each exercise for 60 seconds.

Now go...start your day feeling fit!


Friday, June 22, 2012

Healthy "sweet tooth" mini muffins!



I mean.....there is no denying these are 100% AWESOME for you and will definitely satisfy your cravings!!! Best part is that I  am so proud of myself for having all of these ingredients on hand and making it up as I went along! Also, I might be developing a small fetish for "mini" things!

  • one chopped banana

  • 1 c oat bran muffin mix

  • 1/2 c flaxseed meal

  • 1/4 c of each of the following: chia seeds, chopped blanched almonds, choc chips, unsweetened applesauce and dates

  • 2 tbsp vegetable oil

  • 1/2 cup water

  • one egg

  • Dash each of cinnamon and honey

  • Mix all together and place in mini muffin pan.

  • Bake at 350 degrees for 11 to 12 min.

  • Makes 16 mini muffins

Shoulders/Chest workout!


This is my workout from this morning! Shoulders and chest done with my first "test client" Elena-a dear friend of mine! She is letting me experiment with her in exchange for a pretty awesome day at Jimmy Buffet next week! That's our reward for being so awesome. BGTB-Be Good Till Buffet! Ha that's our motivation to be good, do work and get results. We are not thinking months ahead or even weeks-just a week and a half of goal setting and getting it done (we started this past Monday). Then, after Buffet we will set new goals and keep going.....

Speaking of which, I have been laid off for 2 weeks now and I can honestly say that I have been to the gym, ran or both 10 out of those 14 days. I see and feel results. With extra time I have been able to concentrate more on my body and it is showing. So 2 weeks of dedication and commitment equals one happy girl! I have been more productive and motivated in these past 2 weeks than ever in my entire life. That is how you get results by being excited and committed to the cause-whatever that may be. Enthusiasm goes a long way!!!

You can see from my BodyMinder what exercises we did and also what I ate and drank so far today. Don't forget to get some protein immediately following your workout! Your muscles are craving it-don't upset them! Hmmmm....Its almost time for lunch as I write this-I'm excited!

You have the plan now go kill some shoulders!


Thursday, June 21, 2012

Be Full of LOVE

Be full-full of thanks and gratitude for everything you have and are going through. Be mindful of others and how they act, who are they and what they are not. Take and absorb the traits of others that you wish to be. We are attracted to others because they have traits that we want in ourselves. Be fully aware of what you are doing at every moment. I just tucked my son into bed and as we talked I was very much in that moment. I was fully aware of that too. It was like I stepped out of myself and saw us and reminded myself to pay attention and feel the moment and enjoy it and I did.

I have also noticed that in my life I have met people and I have strongly gravitated to them because of certain traits they possessed. I didn't realize it at the time but I did and now I can see in myself certain things about my family and friends that I really admire about them. Then on the flip side maybe also a little bit of what I consciously try not to be. I am sure I am looked at the same way so that was not an insult in any way. We are who we are. Wouldn't it be great if we were all born with a job title on our birth certificates so that we didn't have to spend all of this time trying to figure it out....ha! Mine would say: Adrienne Lefcakis (I have no middle name) born April 15, 1980 Pittsburgh, PA "Future Personal Trainer and super loving person". Or could they at least have a disclaimer that says: "God loves you and everything will always be ok-promise."

Be very grateful for all of your past experiences. People really do come in and out of your life for very good reasons. Once you realize its ok to let go and take that person and those experiences to help you keep growing-you will be a much calmer and smarter person. They are put in your life for a reason at the time and taken out at a time. It is all part of a master plan and a great one at that. You just have to believe that everything will always be ok. People can change, people can be sorry and realize what they have done in the past was wrong. I really don't like the phrase "people don't change". I do believe you "can't change people"....they have to do that on their own. We almost can't blame each other for the way we act in particular situations because it only happened like that because of who we were in the process of realizing this concept. So my point is, don't hold grudges, don't put blame and hate. Just accept it for what it is now and make the best of it! Make it awesome! Love really is what makes the world go round. Once you choose love as your path I swear things get easier and easier to sail through.

Just some things I've learned along my way.....


Watermelon-Goat Cheese-Beefsteak Tomato Salad

I really could not love these 3 things more. So why not put them all on the same plate!

No recipe needed. I just added red onion with balsamic/EVOO and a touch of honey and fresh basil. Look how pretty this is! If you have not tried this combo I promise you are missing out on a little slice of heaven!

Some facts about Watermelon:

  • Packed full of important antioxidants.

  • It is an excellent source of vitamin C and a very good source of vitamin A.

  • Perhaps the greatest reason of all because its summer and all I do is sweat.... Watermelon is a fruit that is rich in electrolytes sodium and potassium that we lose through our perspiration.

I rest my case.



Lovely Lower body workout

Ok-so this is a typical "leg day" for me....which was today...and oh look I know exactly what I did because I wrote it down! Yay!

At my gym they could not have made it easier to follow....4 of the 5 machines are in a row right there waiting for me to crush them. Hip Adduction, Hip Abduction, Glute machine and Hamstring curls. Boom, boom, boom and boom.  You can see how I increased the weight by 5 lbs each set (except for the glutes and quads).  With the quad machine I like to go light and do lots of reps-don't want to bulk up that area. My hamstrings are not that strong so I keep it light on the weight for now and try to just increase a little each time. The  kettle bell squats I did at home when I got back and before I went running. I had high hopes of running 45 min outside but after 25 I thought I was going to die in the heat so I stopped so I didn't! I rest for only about 30 seconds between each set and about a min before I start the next machine. I like to get in and get out. I warmed up for 5 min on the elliptical then I stretched. I also stretch a little in between machines if I feel I need it. I also, of course, stretch when I am completely done after running. I will prob stretch later this afternoon too. I love to stretch! Stretching is sooooo important to make sure you don't injure yourself. How will you continue being awesome if you pull something because you didn't stretch enough??? It is also important to make notes on what you liked, what you didn't, how you felt-good or bad- and clearly its important to keep telling yourself you are awesome! (That was my note to myself today because I loved everything that I did)

Now go crush some legs!

Staying Focused daily~because tomorrow may never even come~

Stay Focused! Rule #1 when trying to achieve results. Write stuff down. Keeping track and setting daily goals is the best way to go.Rome was not built in a day. I use a BodyMinder to keep track of what I am doing to my body and what I am feeding it. Its like a "To Do List" for your body. The most important part of you. The part that allows you to go and do and enjoy life.  I know it can seem overwhelming to keep track of all you have to do in a day and now I want you to write down your workouts and what you ate? Seriously? YES, seriously!!! It will help keep you accountable and get results. It gives you an outline for each day, including columns for how much water you drank to how intense your workout was and a meter to grade your goals met for the day.Of course it also helps you keep track of cardio, strength training and calories. I don't want you to worry about where you are going to be in 2 weeks or in a month or 2. Where are you today? Where will you be tomorrow? What steps are you taking today to achieve the results you want? I have used this and then stopped and I assure you that it is better to use than not.  You can look at it and be proud of how awesome you are. It's right there on paper as proof!



Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Let's talk about salad.

Shocker....I love salad...I know.....When I make a salad it's like a little game for me to see how interesting I can make delicious and nutritious I can make it or how I can imitate  a version of some of my favorite and more indulgent meals into a beautiful salad.

Pictured above are organic baby greens, tomatoes, chicken I cooked in a skillet with katamala olive spread-just a little, red onion, crumbled blue cheese-just a little, pine nuts (high in protein) and lastly flax and chia seeds because I didn't have a smoothie this am so I just threw them in my salad instead.

Let's talk about dressing. I would not want to make this oh so pretty and good for me salad and then dress it in pure fat-and NOT the good kind. So I always only use either balsamic and EVOO or Red wine and EVOO (2 tbsp).

Have fun with salad. The possibilities are endless and delicious!

Tomorrow's salad....watermelon, goat cheese, tomato and red onion with honey basil vinaigrette dressing-home made!

Salads are an awesome choice once a day, everyday! Use your imagination to create something beautiful on your plate. Appreciate the color that a healthy meal brings to the table. The more colorful the better! There was a time in my life when I sat down to a table of food that was all the same color...that color was beige...that color was gross and haunts me to this day. Don't be beautiful!!! xoxoxo-A

Snack time! Greek Yogurt w/ granola and fresh fruit!

My ABSOLUTE favorite snack! 1/2 c  Chobani plain Greek yogurt, 1/4 cup Organic High Protein Granola and 1/4 cup fresh fruit (this pic has a white nectarine with it).

Why Greek yogurt? It is the highest in protein -It is the King of all yogurts-nothing compares, low carbs, low sugar and naturally NO FAT. (To name a few)

The high protein granola I choose because it is packed with all kinds of goodies-soy flakes, oats, cranberries, sunflower seeds and flax seeds.

This snack is about 200 calories, 16 g protein, 12 g sugar, 4.5 g fat, 5 g fiber and 18 g carbs perfect for mid morning snack! I usually have this after my smoothie, dropping Max off at school and then going to the gym and or running.....about 3 hours after having my smoothie in the a.m.

My son loves this snack too! I feel its crucial to start our kids off eating right so they can have these good habits from the start and not be stuck, like many of us, trying to change bad habits 20, 30 or 40 years in the making! It is our responsiblity as parents to guide them. Now is the time.

If you think you don't like yogurt or Greek yogurt-please I beg you to think again and give it another try. Sooooo good for you! You should care what your calories are made up of. What value do they bring to you and your day? Don't just fill your body with calories-fill it with good for you calories!



Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Mini Meat Muffins!

I got this idea from this recipe:

I changed it just a little!

I added chopped asparagus and used flaxseed meal and oat bran instead of oats.

I added hot sauce and crushed red pepperflakes and did not use cumin. I used fresh thyme because I have it growing in my window.

Don't be afraid to use what you have on hand already, substitute or omit some do not ever have to follow recipes exactly! I think it's boring, I like to make it my go make these your own!

These are great for you and I promise they are delicious!!! These are also great for your kids!  Mini so they are appealing to little ones-like meatballs and like mini muffins! I made 1 batch of the mini and 1 batch of the full size. I ate some, refrigerated some and froze some.

That's how I do what I do-Enjoy!!!! xoxoxo-A

Cranberries, raspberries, banana, spinach smoothie

So yummy and good for you!

1/4 c raspberries

1/3 c cranberries

1 banana

1 c spinach

1/2 c Greek yogurt

1 c skim milk

1 teaspoon ea. glutamine, flax, chia seeds

3 tsp oat bran

Monday, June 18, 2012

Peanut butter protein packed chili

[caption id="attachment_99" align="aligncenter" width="579"] Peanut butter protein packed chili-1 large can crushed organic fire-roasted tomatoes, 1 large can organic diced tomatoes,  1  can each black beans, great northern beans and red kidney beans, 1 lb ground turkey cooked and seasoned with 1/4 pack of your fav chili seasoning, 1/3 c chopped white onion and 1/2 c chopped green pepper, 2 hot banana peppers chopped,  hot sauce and ground pepper to taste and lastly 2 heaping tablespoons of natural peanut butter.[/caption]

Why I like this: Hello-I love protein and this is packed with it, 3 different types of beans, lean and mean ground turkey and even some peanut butter to kick it to the next level!!!! Making something so good for you in a large amount is one way I find it easy to make great choices when it's time to eat! Left-overs!! Chili is the perfect leftover! Let's be smart and not add cheese and no bread is needed for dipping. This is lean and mean and protein packed, perfect for dinner after your workout! Easy-done-it's already made-just warm it up! I made this for my dad for Father's day and also got my mom-who is trying to get her healthy lifestyle on- and my 90 year old YiaYia-who had seconds- to eat it for dinner. I then brought some to my boyfriend and brought some home for me...oh and yes my parents have leftovers too. It's like the never-ending gift of protein and honestly not much makes me happier than getting the gift of protein!!! (Not too sure about my dad though-haha) ENJOY! DFTBA!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Rasnana Smoothie

1/2 c raspberries, 1 banana, 3 tsp oat bran, chia and flax seeds, 3/4 c almond milk, 1 tsp glutamine, 1 heaping tsp peanut butter, 3 ice cubes...Rasnana Smoothie!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Are you in an abusive relationship with your own body?

Think about this....relationships are what lives are made up of right? Who are you closer to than your own body? There is no one else that will speak the truth better than your body. We are all souls/spirits inhabiting a body. We get to make that body function poorly or amazingly depending on how we treat it.  It reacts directly based upon what you feed it, if you exercise it, if you let it sleep and of course adversely if you do the opposite. It can not tell a lie. This should be one of the best relationships you have-always truthful, listen to your body, when its hungry feed it and feed it well. When it needs to stretch drop down and give it a downward facing dog. When it needs to rest lay it down.

What do you want most out of a relationship with your significant other? Love and respect right? Anything less is ABUSIVE. Don't abuse your own body! Please! So many times I hear people complaining of aches and pains, feeling sluggish, having headaches, feeling tired and weak....guess what....your body is mad at you and it's trying to tell you!!! Example: It's 11 a.m and you have a headache, lack of motivation, sleepy, miserable...sound familiar? That is your body telling you that you forgot to love it by feeding it breakfast and you also forgot to respect it by oh so casually missing its mid morning snack. It may also be a little bitter that you let it lay around all night instead of taking it for a walk the night before. Give your body what it needs and it will be your best friend!

Not eating is abuse. Eating badly is abuse. Drinking your face off repeatedly is abuse. Lack of exercise is abuse. Once you have abused something so much it shuts down, it will hide, it will search for happiness in all the wrong places. It will become dark and scarred. Please don't abuse your own body. It needs you and you need it just like every good relationship...there is give and take. Give it what it needs so you can get what you need. You need to be happy above all else. Use your own body to do this!  You have the control (which is not something we can say about a lot in life). The choice is yours-STAY IN THE ABUSE OR LEAVE IT, CHANGE IT, MAKE IT BETTER, MAKE IT AWESOME. We are all capable you just have to want it bad enough to make it a priority and take the leap. When you realize you are worth it you will end the "abuse" walking away never looking back with no regrets. You will feel and know you made the right choice. You will choose love and you will choose respect. You will choose happiness. xoxoxo-A

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Too delicious not to share tuna salad!!!

Oh. my. goodness is this good!

Tuna salad-super healthy because it's made with avocado and Greek yogurt

2 5 oz cans of white albacore tuna

1/2 avocado

1 celery stick chopped

2 tsp chopped onion

1 hard-boiled egg chopped

1 heaping tbsp Greek yogurt

dash lemon juice, pinch each ground blk pepper and parsley, drizzle olive oil

Makes about 2 cups total

(stuffed about 3/4 of a c in a hollowed out half of a tomato-the insides will go in my smoothie tomorrow morning! Also 5 Way Better chips-made with all kinds of good stuff and 2 tbsp cracked red pepper humus)

Things don't exist unless they are imagined first!

Don't stop believing, reaching or day dreaming about what you want. Your thoughts turn into reality so why not reach for the stars? Why not want great things and people in your life? Why not surround yourself with ideas and words that you want to become your reality. I made this Goal/Inspiration board a few months ago and I know it may seem silly but it keeps me focused and excited about what I want to keep present in my life and what I am reaching for. Last night I freaked out pretty bad about being laid off, being broke, having to move soon and basically everything I had gone through in the past 3 years. THAT WAS OVERWHELMING TO SAY THE LEAST!   I felt that maybe I was being too much of a dreamer and not being realistic with my current situation.  Then someone very close to me reminded me that "things don't exist unless they are imagined first!" Goals and dreams are what keep us motivated and excited to be alive! Be smart. Be motivated. Don't stop just because a small road-block has come your way....use it to spring you into even more greatness. I believe there is nothing better than overcoming a challenge or several at one time. This feeling is like no other! Working out to me, whether it's lifting weights and getting through that last set when you think there is no way and then you do 5 more reps just to say "ha, I did it and then I did some more when I didn't even think I could do it at all". Or when you think you will run the track 6 laps and you do 7 or 8 because you believed you could so you did even though it wasn't your plan when you started. Life is about pushing yourself to the limit and celebrating at the end! It's the journey not the destination. How proud will you be of yourself when things get tough and you overcome and then some???!!!

"Anything in life worth having is worth working for." -Andrew Carnegie

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

I'm in love! With this clean and healthy meal!








Chicken-cooked in lime juice, ginger, cilantro, pepper, garlic and honey! 1/2 avocado, 2 tomato slices with a pinch of diced red onion and a med orange.Then drizzled olive oil over the whole's what I had around so it's what I made. When you only buy and have clean and healthy items it's easy to make something great on a whim! Surround yourself with the right things so you can make the right choices on the daily!


Apple, grape, strawberry, raspberries AND Spinach Smoothie

Don't see any green do you??? That's because all of the other goodness overpowered it and you can't taste it or see it!!! This tastes fresh and very juicy! 1/2 small apple, 1/4 c each of raspberries, strawberries, red grapes, 1 c spinach, 1 c almond milk, 1 tsp each glutamine, flax seeds, chia seeds and 3 tsp oat bran...3 ice cubes. Done and Done-Perfect breakfast and perfect pre-workout drink, which is where I am headed right now! As soon as I get home from my workout I will have my absolute favorite-Plain Greek yogurt (Greek because it is packed with tons of protein) with organic  high protein granola on top! What a GREAT day it is going to be! Enjoy! A





Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Smoothies: Lifestyle Basics 101

Why do I love smoothies so much? Let me explain:

  1. I get to be creative!

  2. I get to have a complete , fast and healthy breakfast! The most IMPORTANT meal of the day!

  3. I get to drink green things like spinach, kale, parsley and avocados!

I try to include all of the necessary ingredients of a balanced meal in the blender each morning! Made up of mostly carbs which is what I want to start my day anyway! Oats or oat bran and fruit-are the main ingredients with a splash of protein in the form of almond milk and or Greek yogurt, chia and flax seeds for good fats and a punch of fiber and lastly something green-spinach or kale most likely. Sometimes I add protein powder or peanut butter or even pumpkin or coffee! It all depends on what I have on hand and how magical I can make the combo for that morning!

I hope you enjoy them and get as much energy out of them as I do! These will jump-start your day, I promise!

Food:Lifestyle Basics 101

  • Always eat at least 5 times a day- 3 meals and 2 snacks works well

  • Each meal or snack should consist of approx. 1 part fat, 2 parts protein and 3 parts carbs-in general....see the next bullet

  • When you sit down to eat ask yourself this: What will I be doing in the next 3 hours? If you are going to take a nap go easy on the carbs. If you are going to workout have some more carbs...adjust your carbs based on your anticipated energy output. If you are sitting at your desk at work and will be buried for the next few hours eat some plain & delicious almonds...maybe even some Greek yogurt with fresh fruit and a touch of granola!

  • Eliminate junk food-if it isn't in the house you are not likely to eat it. Fast food, pastries and processed food mostly contain high amounts of fat, sugar and sodium....see bullet two-that is not what we want our meals to be made up of!

  • Drink water! Eliminate soda or pop-whichever you call it and NO Diet is not ok!!!! Eliminate sugar and please for the love eliminate fake sugar!

  • Fiber is your friend-you can find your friend in some of the following: apples, blackberries, oranges, carrots, lentils, sunflower seeds, cauliflower and oats to name a few-it is recommended that you consume 25 to 30 g per day of fiber. Ease into it adding a few grams at a time until your body gets used to this new fabulous "regular" routine of yours!

  • Carbs-you need carbs-the best source of energy comes from carbs! You want to choose COMPLEX CARBS-whole grains, nuts, fruits, veggies, beans, oats, quinoa, yams, sweet potatoes,  brown rice, and barley would be some to start adding into your life.

  • Protein-the leaner the meat the better! Ground turkey, chicken, fish, lean beef, Greek yogurt, beans, cheese, milk, peanut butter or almond butter, egg whites, almonds, Whey protein supplement would be some to start adding into your life. ***immediately following your workout your body craves amino acids, please give it whey protein in the form of a shake if you can afford to add this to your life(whey protein is high in glutamine and branched-chain amino acids) ***

  • Lastly, Fats-olive oil, avocados, nuts are my favorite 3 fats! Remember bullet two, each meal can be 1 part good fats!

You can live this life 80% to 90% of the time and be a healthy & happy human! If you are body building to compete or want more serious results you will have to up that percentage to 95 to 100% of the time clearly.  I simply want to feel and look good, prevent disease and maintain my awesomeness.... so I follow this I would say 90% of the time and the other 10% of the time I don't feel guilty or bad because I had a beer and a piece of pizza or a cupcake etc. because I know how I live my life and I know how good it feels to eat right and exercise regularly!!!

Don't Forget To Be Awesome-DFTBA

Just in case you didn't know what DFTBA stood for.......

Quinoa Turkey Chili

Quinoa turkey chili-1 big can crushed tomatoes, 1 c cooked quinoa, 3 whole chopped tomatoes, 1 can great northern beans, 1 lb ground turkey, 1 each red, orange, and yellow pepper, 2 banana peppers, 1 chopped zucchini, red pepper flakes, ground blk pepper and cilantro to season-crock pot on high for 2 to 3 hours!

Investment Opportunity-Will you take it???

I am busy working on myself!

YOU are your greatest investment, you know that right????!!!!

Workouts will be posted soon!!!

Watermelon Smoothie

[caption id="attachment_35" align="alignnone" width="300"] I am not afraid to try new things AND YOU SHOULDN'T BE EITHER! watermelon, raspberries, banana, almond coconut milk, almonds, ice, oats, flax and chia seeds-DELICIOUS![/caption]

Happy Every Hour or just at Happy Hour???

[caption id="attachment_30" align="alignnone" width="225"] Treat yourself sometimes-not all of the time! Everything in moderation equals a *balanced *fun *healthy life![/caption]

Sometimes I think we get carried away with what we think will make us happy-Happy Hour??? Bad food, drinks.... How silly....what if we were all Happy all of the time and we worked from the inside out radiating our light, our happy energy all of the time not waiting to release our Happy until Fridays at 5! This picture may have been taken at Happy Hour but for me every hour is " Happy Hour"!

Looking for Peace? You might already have it!

[caption id="attachment_27" align="alignnone" width="300"] Love this! In a time of chaos when you are looking for PEACE-remember what PEACE really means![/caption]

Monday, June 11, 2012

Avocado & Orange Smoothie

Avocado & Orange Smoothie

1/2 avocado, 1 med orange, 1 c spinach,  1 c almond milk, 3 tbs oat bran, 1 tbs ground flax, 1 tsp glutamine, 3 ice cubes

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Hello world!

Hello! My name is Adrienne and I AM Awesome!!! Why do I feel the need to say that I am awesome let alone start a blog that's name literally says I am awesome? Because we all need to realize that we are GOOD ENOUGH already, WE ARE ALL AWESOME and no one should make us feel or tell us otherwise-EVER! I created this blog to share with you me, my life and why I feel it is ok to say out loud that I AM Awesome. My main hope for this is to reach as many people as possible to inspire, set fire to your goals and help you feel and look awesome inside and out! So many people in the world have low self-esteem and I know first hand what harm and unnecessary agony can come when this is how you feel. I was a chubby, very chubby, little girl and as I grew up I did so without a sense of true self-worth, without dreams or goals, without direction or motivation, simply put without belief in MYSELF. Perhaps this "chubbiness" alone set the path for the past 32 years of low self-esteem? I am not sure and I wouldn't change a thing but I would like to help, if I can, to relate to others that may find themselves in a similar situation. Ok, back to the awesomeness....Then....THANK GOD.... one glorious day, not too long ago, I realized that I AM Great, I AM Awesome, I can do anything I put my mind to because I know I am worth it and capable without a doubt. I realized that I  deserve the best, I deserve to be loved & respected and most importantly I deserve to LOVE MYSELF just the way I am. This upward spiral of GREATNESS gradually occurred sometime after getting married in 2006, giving birth to the most delicious little boy in the world in 2009, getting divorced in 2009, losing my job in 2010, making bad decision after bad decision and hitting the lowest of lows in 2011.

When you allow "bad things" to happen to you there is no other place but to look inside yourself and take ownership of the current state of your life. That is what I  did. I put a stop to all the "bad things" that were happening and started to make good decisions all around. I found a GREAT job as a Corp. Trainer for a logistics company where I discovered how passionate I am about teaching, training and helping people! I also started to commit myself to a healthy lifestyle of fitness and nutrition. This has made the biggest impact in my life so far. I love working out and I love eating right! I have never felt so happy with myself! I have endless energy! I love & respect my body and health so much that I make almost all of my decisions based around how and what will it do for my body? How will I feel after I eat/drink or do this? The last 2 things that I allowed to enter into my life after such yuckiness were perhaps the 2 most important and life changing: True and definite Belief in God and belief in positivity.  Their power is awesome and because of that I can say without a doubt that I AM Awesome.

Now its June 2012 and I have recently been laid off from that Corp Training job (downsizing-not because I wasn't awesome)! BUT with my overwhelming sense of POSITIVITY and belief that God has nothing but greatness in store for me, I am more awesome than ever! I am very close to obtaining my Personal Training Certification which I had been working on for the past several months and it is my dream and goal to make that my next "job".....I wouldn't even consider it a job I would consider it a gift that I get to reach out to people to help them feel how I feel! My wish to be able to spread/share and shine my knowledge onto others is what led me to starting this blog. I want to share my experiences, my recipes and workouts, my smoothies, my positivity and motivation and my passion for life with anyone who wants it! I have been told it's contagious!!! My hope is that you share this blog with anyone that you feel would benefit from it in any way and that you enjoy being awesome as much as I do!
